Sea moss helps in the reduction of cholesterol and mucus in the body, promoting the regulation of blood pressure.

Yes, it promotes heart health.

Yep it does. When ingested, sea moss expands in your stomach, and you feel full AFTER A MEAL and eat less. In addition, it’s a gentle laxative with cleaning agents that flush out waste in your gut. Viola, WEIGHT LOSS !

Gives your hair a nice sheen and luster.

Sea moss gel goes to work on those tired muscles even while you are working out, making you last longer in the saddle.

It’s true. Sea moss boosts hormones and improves libido in both men and women.

There are many reports of Covid sufferers who used sea moss, and it helped greatly in speeding up their recovery.


Our products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any diseases.